ESG stands for environmental, social and corporate governance. The idea is to concentrate, in a single system, initiatives that measure an organization’s environmental, social and governance practices.

At Nexpe, we are moved by our desire to have an impact on people, relationships and the environment. We are at the forefront of the real estate brokerage market and are strongly influenced by technology and people. Therefore, investing in ESG, in our view, cannot be dissociated from our business purpose. Giving due attention to ESG is the only viable way to achieve genuine business success.

At Nexpe, we took the first steps towards a sustainable future through internal and external interventions, always looking at transformation and development opportunities in several points of our ecosystem.

Some ESG initiatives undertaken by Nexpe are as follows:

In our corporate governance, we are committed to permanently developing policies that are necessary to implement and control sustainable practices, as well as revising existing practices. To ensure the evolution of this front, in 2021, we set up the Internal Audit Committee, which is mainly in charge of assessing and monitoring the company’s risk exposure that could affect our business and activities. The Committee also assesses how effective the risk management model is and suggests improvements, thereby ensuring the effectiveness of the governance model.

As for the environmental pillar, the Group discovered its potential for adequately disposing of waste. The Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo units have already been disposing of paper and technology waste for recycling and reuse, with the support of specialized institutions. Additionally, we have already started mapping carbon emissions in all group companies, and our aim is to initiate, by late 2022, a structured project to neutralize our carbon emissions. To maintain the evolution of this front, part of our service provision value chain is already taking this matter into account when making decisions.

We emphasize that our initiatives are mainly based on our social pillar. We work inside and outside Nexpe, as we understand that our relationship with all stakeholders benefit us in such a way that we could not start otherwise.

Through these actions, we commit ourselves to taking a look at our own operations and to pursuing consistent and sustainable transformation, drawing on the diverse potential found in our essence. Learn more about our projects:

O Futuro Começa em Casa (The Future Begins at Home)

The project was carried out in Goiânia-GO, facilitated by Desenrola, the group’s digital platform. It aims to improve and renovate unsanitary houses, preferably where school-age children and female breadwinners live.

To achieve this, Nexpe was supported by the NGO Habitat Brasil, which specializes in this type of renovation and has been operating in Brazil since 1992.

We concluded renovation works on the houses of 10 families living in the Jardim Curitiba III community, located in the city of Goiânia, state of Goiás, in September 2021. In 2022, in partnership with company Moradigna, the project will have positively impacted São Paulo, where we plan to benefit another 12 families.

Empreenda Jovem (Young Entrepreneurs)

The project aims to provide basic technical resources and funds so that underprivileged young people aged 18-24 can enter the job market and develop their careers in the commercial area within the company.

In this project, young people with outstanding performance receive meal and transportation allowance. They also have the Real Estate Transactions Technical Training (TTI) funded by the project, and accreditation with the Regional Council of Real Estate Brokers (CRECI) anticipated.

The project stands out as it was authored by Nexpe and is carried out through Abyara operations in São Paulo, and through Brasil Brokers operations, in Niterói (RJ). Supported by the Group’s teams of People and Culture and the sales force leadership, our employees volunteer to train these young people.

In the coming years, we expect that this initiative will expand, and our open enrollment training sessions will increase, providing opportunities for more and more professionals of the real estate segment.

The #Gigantesca (Gigantic) Movement

#Gigantesca (Gigantic) is a social transformation movement of NeXpe started in May 2021 through the Aqui cabe tudo. Só não cabe preconceito (Everything fits, there’s no place for prejudice) campaign.

The #Gigantesca agenda addresses social, generational, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ableism, race, ethnicity, and culture diversity topics, among others.

The topics are addressed during lectures, conversation circles and focus/affinity groups, spreading knowledge and providing freedom of expression and communication for everyone that is part of our ecosystem. All of this with the higher purpose of creating a more diverse, inclusive and innovative workplace environment.

Last update: April 1, 2022