Services Offered


Brasil Brokers is one of the largest and most complete real estate groups in Brazil, offering intermediation and consulting services to real estate developers, corporate clients and end consumers of real estate products, in addition to being one of the main agents for promoting real estate financing in the country.

The main services provided are related to real estate transactions for the sale or lease of commercial and residential properties, feasibility studies for new real estate projects, marketing consulting and planning for real estate developments, in addition to legal advisory services, real estate financing advisory services and lease management.


Characterized by the relationship between developer and purchasing client, Real Estate developments are launched by a company that pays for the construction of the properties (apartments, houses and office suites) in a condominium format and sells them before they are delivered, through a sale contract that includes monthly payment installments, a scheduled delivery commitment and other specific conditions. Brasil Brokers actively participates in the entire real estate brokerage process and is then hired by the developers to conduct the sale of the launched properties to the end customers, being able to receive commissions directly from the developer or the end customer.

Our work begins by identifying trends for the real estate market of each location where we operate. For this, we hold regular meetings with our developers in order to discuss the evolution, and, in particular, the current trends of the real estate market in order to identify good business opportunities. We also conduct research through our database and interactions with potential buyers aimed at detecting specific regional real estate demands in the regions where we operate.

In the design and planning phase of the development, we advise to our developers in terms of what design to use and how to plan the launching of the developments, that way they can respond to specific new consumer trends in each regional market.

The marketing strategy stage for sales begins with the Endomarketing phase, during which we hold meetings with our developers and marketing companies. In these meetings we present recent successful case studies, information on competing developments and our opinion in terms of product and sales strategy.

From this stage onward, we coordinate, along with our developers, the advertising campaign proposed by the advertising agency and also help define the appropriate media channels for each product, in addition to preparing the promotional selling materials, including flyers, posters, hotsites, visual programming of sales points, printed or televised ads, and decorated illustrations of the finished property, among others.

After preparing the marketing campaign, we offer speeches and seminars through our independent brokers to present new products and allow our developers the opportunity to form their first impressions of the products and the advertising campaigns. At these meetings, our developers can use incentive tools to help motivate independent brokers for the launching of their developments.

Following, we initiate the sales process with the effective use, by independent brokers, of databases to identify potential buyers. The advertising materials for the development are then sent to potential buyers, which are subsequently contacted either personally, over the phone or via email to enhance the offering of product and conquer those interested in buying the property. As for unregistered potential buyers, we attract them through spoken, written and televised media. Oftentimes, we hold a widely publicized event for the launching of the development, aimed at concentrating all of the potential buyers at the same location on the same day.

We also provide guidance for buyers in terms of documents needed to regularize and formalize the purchase of properties.

Finally, after the formal sale, we offer buyers a customer service channel to resolve any issues that may arise after the purchase and we provide advisory services for any contractual renegotiations. Through these channels, we seek to ensure client satisfaction and create loyalty for new purchases and sales.


Remaining properties or units in inventory are those which are still available for sale after 180 days from the development’s official launch date..

In general, marketing efforts for the launching of new developments are concentrated during a period of approximately six months after the launch date, which may occur during or even prior to the start of construction works. During this period, developers use a large portion of their resources on advertising campaigns and materials to promote sales, such as flyers, posters, hotsites, visual programming of sales points, printed or televised ads, among others.

It is common to hold large events with decorated examples of the apartments, signed by renowned architects and designers, as well as mockups and other sales materials that offer potential buyers the necessary resources for them to make their purchase decision. During these events, some buyers can also sign the final purchase agreement of the property given that oftentimes a notary public is also present.

One of the biggest challenges for developers is to sell the remaining properties after the launching period, when advertising is no longer being carried out.

In this sense, Brasil Brokers’ partnership with developers is essential. We have one of Brazil’s largest and best sales operations, carried out by a dedicated and specialized commercial structure that focuses on selling remaining properties and identifying good business opportunities. We conduct extensive research through our own database and clients, both inside and outside of our loyalty program, to identify potential buyers, while offering our sales teams incentive policies aimed at increasing results from these properties.


The sale of a used or finished property is characterized by the relationship between the selling client and the purchasing client, where the real estate broker, as commercial intermediary, earns a commission payable by the property’s owner.

The resale of finished properties is a highly fragmented, informal and unprofessional market, thus providing great potential for consolidated groups, such as Brasil Brokers.

We offer our customers a complete product display and commercialization service that is carried out by a team of specialized agents equipped with a large database deriving from market information and our extensive sales history.

We offer advisory services to our selling and purchasing clients aimed at facilitating adhere with all the legal formalities applicable to the registration of a transfer of property ownership title, including the correct value for the transfer of the property’s title. In this sense, we require that all independent brokers who work with us sign a commitment to observe the Code of Ethics of the Profession.

The novelty here is that our rental platform, named Desenrola, has been proven successful, with high levels of customer satisfaction. With that, we began to expand these services on the sale of used and finished properties.

What sets us apart is our ability to serve our audience, through online channels, with a less bureaucratic contractual format while maintaining a human side during the process.


Many Brazilians dream of buying a home. Thus, real estate financing is a required option for those who do not have the full purchase amount when buying a property.

However, signing a mortgage can be a very complex process for most people. For this reason, we offer our clients assistance when hiring real estate financings, either through the Housing Finance System (SFH) or the Real Estate Finance System (SFI), where we ensure adequate communication with the financial institutions that serve us in order to reduce the amount for the conclusion of these transactions.

We have committed efforts to expanding our business operations in order to provide unique and complete experiences for customers, diversify our sources of revenue and improve our profitability.

Currently, we offer the most complete one-stop-shop real estate business platform in the market aimed at serving our current, most demanding and highly connected clients. Thus, our intermediation and real estate credit distribution operations are fundamental to guarantee the financial viability of the businesses.

Credimorar, our brand that specializes in direct marketing and distribution of financial services through partnerships and the main pillar of our strategy in 2018, grew exponentially and become the largest independent real estate credit originator in Brazil.

We are expanding the services offered in this important business line, which also currently operates in the marketing and intermediation of financings involving properties as guarantees (also known as Home Equity). This product is very common in the USA and consists of a credit option in which an individual can use a residential or commercial property, fully paid and with ownership title on his/her behalf, can be used as a guarantee for a personal loan.

The allocation of the funds is unrestricted, making Home Equity an excellent option for individuals to meet other needs, such as investing to open a business or paying off debts, while offering lower interest rates when compared to other credit lines.


Digital innovation continues to shape how we live, work and interact with people. New client behaviors and new potential audiences (“millenials”) have arrived in full force and are demanding agility and flexibility.

Therefore, we created our Desenrola platform, which relies on technology to meet this strong demand.

What sets us apart our ability to serve an audience that desires to rent out a property, whether commercial or residential, through online channels and without guarantors, all in a less bureaucratic contractual format while maintaining a human side during the process.

Our goal is to Make Life Changes Memorable Experiences.

This new business model grows every day. The success of our strategy has been evident, and we have already started to expand these services for used and finished properties.

Last update: August 18, 2021